Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Bed Wetting and Frequent Urination

Help your child have dry days, dry nights…and see their confidence return.

Four-and-a-half year old Tashi K. began coming to Whole Family Chiropractic just a few short months ago in February, 2015. “Almost immediately,” says her mom, Sue, Tashi’s urinary frequency—which seemed anxiety-related—completely stopped.

“Her frequency was to a point where I was concerned,” Sue said. “She was fully potty trained for 18 mos. prior to starting school. Then suddenly she began having urgency and had an overnight accident. She’s only at school for 2 hours, but was going potty 4 times. In any social situation she was feeling this urinary urgency/anxiety, and it was disruptive to Tashie’s activities and embarrassing for her.”

The medical doctor couldn’t find anything wrong, but the problem continued. After just 2-3 neurological adjustments from Dr. Tye & Dr. Chelsey, however, the urgency simply disappeared.

“I was thinking of taking her for another kind of therapy, and I’m just so pleased I didn’t have to go down that road,” Sue said. “This is a gentle, easy approach that’s getting results.

“It was so nerve-wracking what we were living through, and now she’s cured. No more worry.”

Finally, Sue says, “Coming to Whole Family is the highlight of my kids’ week. This is one doctor they’re not afraid of!”

How can chiropractic help my child’s bladder control?

Mom brought her nearly 8-year-old daughter to our office to see if we could help with a number of issues, including repeated urinary accidents during the week. The young girl would get so caught up in what was going on around her, she wasn’t perceiving when she needed to go to the bathroom. As a result, she was repeatedly embarrassed at having to change her pants in the middle of the day.

Fast forward just a few short months: Both mom and daughter are quite happy to say that she has been accident free! Even times when her engine is running high and she has a lot going on, she’s now able to maintain control of her bladder, and to recognize when she has to go to the bathroom. Mom’s happy she doesn’t have to change her daughter’s pants, and daughter’s happy that she doesn’t have to be embarrassed!

Here’s how mom describes the problem and the transformation:

“Several times each week my daughter failed to recognize she needed to use the bathroom. No reminders or rewards seemed to alter her behavior, and she would regularly come home from school or play with wet pants. saying she just forgot to use the bathroom.

Just before she turned eight, we started going to Whole Family Chiropractic. Fast forward a few short months. As we were filling out the feedback forms for her third set of Progress Report re-scans, it dawned on me that my daughter hadn’t had an accident in a while. When I asked her about it she said confidently, ‘That hasn’t happened since I was seven!’” And she’s right—the accidents just aren’t happening!”

How did this wonderful change take place? We helped this girl’s body heal and get better via our specialized neurological chiropractic approach using Torque Release Technique.

There are two main changes that occurred in her physiology that allowed her body to work the way it is supposed to.

First, we opened up the nerve channels that are involved with bladder control. Your bladder is controlled by a muscle, just like your arms or your legs. When this muscle is able to function properly, your bladder works the way it is designed. Like any muscle, your bladder is controlled by nerve messages that leave your brain, travel down your spinal cord, and exit via openings in your spine.

In this young lady’s case there was a lot of stress at the base of her spine—the area that controls the bladder—visible in the “Before” scan in the lower back area, where the red and blue lines indicate severely stressed nerves.

The torque release adjustments removed stress from these nerves, allowing them to regain proper control over the bladder muscle, which began to function normally. Notice the improvement in the lower part of her spine in the “After” scans—the long red and blue lines have disappeared.

The second thing correctly administered torque release adjustments did was create more “calm” in the girl’s brain.

Neurologically, the bladder is controlled by a part of the nervous system called the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS has two modes—“fight or flight” and “rest & digest.”

When the brain is overwhelmed with stress signals it goes into “fight or flight” mode. If overwhelmed and in “fight or flight” mode it can begin to lose control of the bladder. Think of the last time someone snuck up behind you and scared you really badly—you may have have had an accident yourself!

Through precise neurological chiropractic care, we were able to help her body activate the “rest & digest” side of the ANS, taking it out of “fight or flight” mode and calming both her brain and body.

As a result, our young practice member’s body is now able to better recognize when she has a full bladder, and to respond appropriately (hold on until a bathroom is nearby).

Does your child struggle with bladder control? Have you ever had his or her nerve system checked for abnormal stress? If not, we recommend seeing a qualified neurological chiropractor to learn whether gentle and safe chiropractic care could change your child’s future.

We’re here to help you get answers as to WHY your child is struggling and WHAT you can do to HELP them regain their bladder control & restore their confidence!

It could mean a lot of dry days, dry nights, and more smiles for both of you!

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