Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Navigating Anxiety: The Drug-Free Approach in the Pharmaceutical Age

As a parent, watching your child struggle with anxiety can be an overwhelming and heartbreaking experience. You may feel helpless, especially when traditional medical approaches often resort to medication as the first line of treatment. However, at our practice, we want you to know that there is another way – a drug-free, holistic approach that … Read more

A Comprehensive Approach to Alleviating Fight or Flight Stress in Children

As parents and dedicated pediatric chiropractors at Whole Family Chiropractic, we have witnessed the struggles that countless children face – battles against unresolved anxiety, poor sleep, low immunity, and inflammation, despite the tireless efforts of you parents striving to support your child’s health. This struggle leaks into their behavior, marked by frequent meltdowns and an … Read more

Overcoming Anxiety Webinar – 2024

Is your child’s anxiety preventing them from living their absolute best life? Are you having to constantly protect them so they feel safe? As parents, we want nothing more than to see our children happy, healthy, and especially calm + confident as they navigate the challenges of grade school and teenage years. In this Overcoming … Read more

Optimize Your Family’s Health with Chiropractic Sympathetic Nervous System Care

Have you ever wondered why a colicky infant can’t calm down and be soothed? Why it is so hard to redirect a wound-up toddler or young child in the middle of a meltdown? Or why a child with Autism, ADHD, and anxiety struggles for so long to calm and regulate in certain situations? Or how … Read more

🎥 Empowering Parents with Key Insights into the world of Proprioception! 🧠💪

Is your child facing challenges with motor function, tone, coordination, sensory processing, speech delays, or related issues? 😣 If so, this video 🎥 is a must-watch for parents seeking a deeper understanding of proprioception and its vital role in their child’s development. 🧠 Proprioception, often overlooked but incredibly significant, holds the key to unlocking optimal … Read more

Beyond Genetics: Understanding the Perfect Storm of Childhood Anxiety

Is your child’s anxiety holding them back from experiencing their absolute best life? As a parent, you want nothing more than for your child to be happy, healthy, and confident, especially as they navigate grade school and teenage years. However, the reality is that there is a growing mental health crisis of anxiety in our … Read more

Why is your child’s Vagus Nerve so important for their health?

The Vagus Nerve 🧠 is all the craze right now! Any search on google will generate 1,000,000’s of hits with life and “health hacks” galore 🙌. With all the research 📝, bio hacking and natural science 🧬 that has been reported lately, it’s cool to hear about a part of our nervous system 🧠 that … Read more

Preparing Your Child for Back to School Webinar

Help your child improve their ability to handle stress so they better handle this year’s transition back to school. In this online webinar Dr. Tye goes in-depth to explain: The biggest challenges kids face during the back to school transition (and how those challenges are magnified if they struggle with ADHD, sensory issues, or anxiety) … Read more

Overcoming Anxiety Webinar

 *Please note, the audio for the video played during the talk didn’t record properly.  Here is a link to that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT_0BFyoi1k&t=4s Community Webinar to Help Parents and Children with Anxiety Are you or your child struggling with Anxiety? Have you been dealing with stress for so long that your body can’t seem to … Read more

Emma J – Said her first words after not talking at school for almost a full year

“Emma struggled a lot with social anxiety. It was always awkward whenever we were with other kiddos or family members because she would always be really quiet. She was totally withdrawn and completely silent at school, she didn’t talk to friends or teachers for almost a full year.  This made us not really want to … Read more