Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Uncover the Root Causes of Children’s Seasonal Allergies

Imagine a world where your child no longer has to endure the relentless struggles of seasonal allergies – the constant congestion, irritation, and the endless cycle of medications with their undesirable side effects. What if you could delve deeper and unearth the true underlying cause of seasonal allergies, going beyond the conventional opinions of pediatricians … Read more

Answers and Action Steps to Conquer 💪 the Root Cause of Nasal Congestion 🤧

 Imagine that every single time the weather changes even just a little bit, your child’s sinuses and nasal passage get jammed up, and they’re instantly congested. 🤧 Now imagine that every single time they’re around another child who is even slightly teething, battling a cold, or has some seasonal allergies, they get instant nasal … Read more

From Concern to Confidence: Helping Parents Navigate Food Intolerances

Parents, did you know that food intolerance affects up to 20% of the population, as reported by “Medical News Today”? It’s not just limited to gluten and dairy intolerance anymore. Wheat, barley, milk, cheese, bananas, avocados, and more can all be culprits. Is your child included in this 20%?   Food intolerances can manifest differently in … Read more

Ears, Antibiotics, and Asthma…Yet Another Perfect Storm

The understanding and facts behind this topic are so clear and have been for so long, that it’s hard to believe every parent isn’t told the full truth about this all-too-common ‘Perfect Storm’ story.  What am I talking about? I’m talking about the clear, and all too commonly seen path from childhood ear infections to … Read more

Why Can Asthma and Allergies Accompany Anxiety – Webinar

Why can Asthma and Allergies accompany Anxiety? 😮‍💨😬 It all has to do with stress experienced early and often (from pregnancy 🤰to labor and delivery), that then gets stuck on in your child. In this webinar learn why your kiddo may be experiencing the combination of all three (asthma, allergies, and anxiety). Discover what’s happening … Read more

Neurological chiropractic success story! (Help with allergies and skin)

  Here’s an example of how chiropractic helps the body heal itself – no drugs and no surgery.  If you or your child is struggling, and looking for answers, give us a call  – 651-789-0033.   If you’ve become confused, frustrated, and exhausted because you don’t have an answer that makes sense, we love to help. … Read more

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