Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Our Kids Are Not Okay… AND HERE’S WHY

If you’ve been lying awake at night, worried about your child’s health and wondering why traditional answers aren’t working, you’re not alone. As a parent, you know when something isn’t right with your child, regardless of what you’ve been told by well-meaning doctors or friends. That instinct – that deepening concern that something more is … Read more

Why Too Many Treatments Can Hinder Your Child’s Healing

Parents, we see you. We understand the journey you’ve been on, trying to help your child overcome chronic health issues. It’s a path filled with hope, disappointment, determination, and, often, sheer frustration. You’ve consulted countless doctors, explored various therapies, changed diets, and tried natural remedies. Perhaps you’ve even traveled across the country or internationally, seeking … Read more

Experience Miracles with Chiropractic

As a parent, there’s nothing more heart-wrenching than watching your child struggle with chronic neurological issues like Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, and Epilepsy. The search for answers and explanations can be frustrating and often leaves you feeling hopeless, especially when the traditional medical system fails to provide the support and solutions you desperately … Read more

Signs Your Child is Stuck in Fight or Flight

Do you feel like your child is always stuck on the gas pedal?! Maybe they struggle with anxiety, poor sleep, low-immunity, or behavioral challenges… So what does this mean? 🤔 All of these symptoms can be tied to a nervous system that is stuck in “fight or flight”!  In this video, Dr. Tye Moe digs into … Read more

Empowering Parents: The Science Behind Alleviating Children’s Growing Pains

The journey of childhood is filled with daily challenges and adventures, and sometimes, there is a silent struggle that often goes unnoticed but causes considerable stress for kids and families alike – growing pains. Have you ever found yourself consoling your child through nights of throbbing discomfort in their little legs? It’s a common experience … Read more

Understanding the Connection Between Vagus Nerve Disorders and Your Child’s Neurological Challenges

Do you want to learn more about the powerful yet overlooked factor that plays a crucial role in your child’s neurological development? In a world of ever-evolving medical knowledge, there’s one topic that often flies under the radar – the Vagus Nerve. Today, we’re diving deep into the world of Vagus Nerve Disorders and Dysfunction, … Read more

Raising Healthy Kids: A Natural Approach to Boosting Health and Performance for the School Year Ahead

The end of summer transitioning into a new school year can be a bit of a hectic time for families. As parents, all year long, you strive to prioritize the health and well-being of your children. You go to great lengths to create a nurturing environment and make choices that support their physical and emotional … Read more

Discover a Missing Piece in Your Child’s Health Puzzle: INSiGHT Scans & the Central Nervous System!

While traditional medicine relies primarily on symptoms and looks for obvious pathology on standard exams like blood work, MRIs, and EEGs, we use an incredible piece of technology called the INSiGHT Scans that accurately assesses the health and function of the Central Nervous System. 🧠 Why is the Central Nervous System so important? Think of … Read more

Empowering Parents Through The Perfect Storm: A Path to Your Child’s Optimal Health

Hey parents! You may have heard some buzz about Pediatric Chiropractic and the Perfect Storm, and you might be wondering what it’s all about. First and foremost, it can absolutely help you take control of your child’s health journey. You may find yourself asking questions like, “What the heck is a pediatric chiropractor, and what … Read more

Why do SENSORY issues show up in a toddler? Discover the Brain’s role in calming sensory storms

Many young kids struggle with irritating clothing, 👖 big crowds or gatherings, 😭 haircuts, 💇loud noises, or quick transitions. All small sensory sensitivities that add up to BIG emotional struggles. Don’t let your pediatrician and others dismiss these concerns as the “Terrible 2’s or 3’s” and say “Don’t worry, they’ll grow out of it.” Parents, … Read more