Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Paula C – “I am on to a healthier life path.”

“I came to Whole Family Chiropractic because I was having some problems with my right foot while I was running. I didn’t want to have surgery to repair it and decided to try something different. I had torn my ACL in the past and had surgery to repair it. I was out for a long … Read more

Dr. Tye Shocked a Child

The other morning I was running on the trail near my house.  As I was crossing a bridge, there was a family of four spread out down by the bridge, and walking toward me.  As I ran by the first two, they saw me, and we smiled and nodded at each other. As I came … Read more

Virginia B.: Three weeks of Torque Release neurological adjustments lifted 2-year depression, launched her new life

Within three weeks of Virginia B. coming to Whole Family Chiropractic in August 2015, a 2-year depression she’d been in following a family tragedy lifted–and, as Virginia puts it, “hopefulness came back into my life.” “After my 24-year-old great niece died tragically in January of 2013, I felt like I lost the future,” Virginia says. … Read more

Back to School Transition Tip #3: Avoiding Sports Injuries and Maximizing Performance

Why There is a Struggle Use Adjustments to Minimize Injuries & Maximize Ability Expert Strategy Why There is a Struggle: WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOUR CHILD’S REFLEXES, AGILITY, AND RECOVERY FROM FALLS AND CONTACT IN SPORTS How does going back to school affect your child’s ability to stay injury-free in sports? Why do sports injuries sometimes become … Read more

22-year-old athlete happy he can push himself in workouts again…and unpleasant rashes “completely gone” after just 3 adjustments!

When 22-year-old Josh H. began care at Whole Family Chiropractic of Highland Park, St. Paul in June 2015, he’d struggled for eight years with lower back pain that he attributed to pitching for his baseball team eight months a year since age 12.  He also had a chronic skin rash that plagued him around his … Read more

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