Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

IMPORTANT – Price update for March 1, 2023


This email is a notification that there will be slight financial changes in our office starting March 1st, 2023.  We have always worked hard to create affordable pricing for families and individuals to see us on a consistent basis.  This change is to help offset steadily increasing operating costs, while keeping our quality of neurologically based care at a high level.

Please note, this change has gone into effect in January of 2023 for all new practice members starting care.  Since you are already in Phase 2, we have given you two months at our previous, lower rates before this change occurs on March 1st, 2023.

Our new Phase 2 prices with monthly auto-debit will be:

Boost adjustments = 40
Phase 2 progress scans = 50

If you choose to Pay Per Visit:
Adjustments = 65
Progress scans = 105

Please let us know any questions or any way we can serve you even better.  Thank you for letting us support your health!

The Whole Family Chiropractic Team

For reference, current Phase 2 prices with monthly auto-debit are:

Boost adjustments = 35
Phase 2 progress scans = 45

Pay per visit:
Adjustments = 60
Progress scans = 95

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