Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Top 3 Tips You Haven’t Heard to Add Calm and Boost Immunity


The top conversation I’ve had right now is handling stress. We know this is huge to keep our immune system strong, our head clear, and to help make good decisions.  Whether it’s a decision around how to handle your kids at home, your work future, or your investments…a clear head is critical.

These three tips are something that are powerful and that you likely haven’t been told.  (Hint – they’re NOT: eat healthy, exercise, & get good sleep – I’m going to assume right now you’ve heard that as often as “you should wash your hands.”)


Dr. Tye

P.S. Please forward and share this with your friends who are looking for some “out of the box” ideas that really work!

#1 – Wait 1 hour for your caffeine

Here’s the good news…you don’t have to completely cut out your morning coffee or tea.  Yes, going caffeine free helps the body handle stress better (because caffeine triggers the fight/flight response by telling your body to release adrenaline).  AND, I also understand that taking it away isn’t easy.

Here’s what you can to help your body – wait 60-90 minutes after you wake up before your first cup.  Why?  When you first wake up your body begins producing cortisol to help create energy and get you going for the day.  Having caffeine during this initial surge interferes with the body’s natural process.  This will create a bigger crash later.  So waiting 60-90 minutes lets your body start the day more naturally, and create more consistent energy during the rest of the day.  This means your decision making skills, your patience, and your productivity will stay sharp longer!

(Link to Daniel Pink’s 2 minute video on this topic)

Also, you likely have heard about cortisol levels in relation to weight gain.  Cortisol affects fat & carb metabolism, as well as blood sugar levels.  Keeping these things more consistent not only helps create steady energy, but also helps with cravings.  Here’s something fun that a practice member showed me recently…that doesn’t have to happen to you 🤣:

#2 – Use Airplane Mode

EMF’s are signals we are constantly surrounded by in today’s world.  They include cell phone signals, wi-fi, Bluetooth, etc.  While they help us communicate and be entertained, they place a huge stress on the nervous system.

EMF’s affect our nervous system’s ability to feel calm and regulate stress, to keep our immune system healthy, to get deep quality sleep, and more.

We’ve had several families work with Damon and Cathy at Intentional Environment to minimize EMFs in their household, and noticed significant and immediate improvements in their quality of sleep and their mood.

Here’s what you can do right now (especially if you’re finding yourself more plugged-in than ever):

  • Make sure your phone is on Airplane Mode (your alarm will still work), or better yet turned all the way off while you sleep.  (Sleep is the most important time to minimize exposure)
  • Plug you modem and router into their own power strip.  Before bed, flip the switch so they’re both turned off.  You don’t need them blasting you while you’re sleeping (even if they’re in your basement and you sleep on the top floor – if you can still access the signal, it will affect your sleep).  When you wake up in the morning do your morning routine, settle in, and wait until you really need it to turn them back on.
  • Download shows and podcasts.  Whenever you or your children are using electronics for entertainment, download what you want to watch.  That way you can turn your device on Airplane Mode while you’re watching.  **Make sure your wi-fi and Bluetooth are also turned off.
    • Don’t have your phone by “always by your side.”  The movie Generation Zapped showed that having your phone even 10 inches away from you dropped the intensity by 100x’s, and Damon shares that an arm’s length away drops the intensity by 1,000x’s!!  This shows that when you carry it in your pocket, it is incredibly strong.  If working from home, set it on the other side of the room and choose to check it on occasion, rather than having it right next to you and always looking at it.  And of course for ultimate productivity and health – turn it on Airplane Mode while you’re working, and only turn it on to occasionally check.

#3 – Get outside extra

First of all, YES, it’s safe!  And it is allowed under the stay at home order.  (Link here)

Two reasons to be outside extra right now:

#1) It boosts your immune system.  Fresh air and sunshine act as a natural disinfectant to kill viruses. Here’s a great article on it – click to read.

#2) It helps you think more clearly and problem solve better.  When you’re in a close space (inside all day long😬), the brain has a tough time thinking of solutions to problems, the amygdala can be activated and it is more likely to trigger thoughts of stress, worry, anxiety, and concern.

However, when you are outside and able to look into the distance (over a river, field, vista, etc) your pre-frontal cortex (PFC) is activated.  The PFC allows your brain to be creative, think of solutions, and not perseverate on the same stressful thoughts.  I’ve been getting outside for short spurts several times a day to help my brain reset.

(Full blog post link here)

Bonus Tip:  Find YOUR Peace of Mind within the Madness

One simple way to feel calmer and have more peace of mind – right now and after the dust settles.

Click to view:


Dreading time at home with your intense kid?

When you have an intense kid, time at home isn’t always carefree fun and adventures.

If you are bracing yourself for power struggles, tantrums, and emotional explosions, my wife is here to help!

Next Friday she is going to talk about:

  • What is an “intense kid”?
  • What’s going on in your child’s brain and nervous system when they act out
  • How to get your kid to listen so there is more peace – and fewer struggles
  • Keys to deescalate and even prevent what triggers your child

Register for her free, “Beneath Your Child’s Behaviors” webinar here:

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