Know your kiddo is developing toward their best future.
“Initially I brought my daughter to Whole Family Chiropractic because I had some concerns of crawling. Tessa was 8-9 months and wasn’t showing signs of even trying. She would do tummy time and try to push up, but showed low muscle tone and low strength. She just wasn’t progressing – it was the same thing week after week.
Also, I had concerns with sleeping, as she had very frequent waking. Lastly, she was fussy all the time. Especially since she wasn’t crawling, she wanted me to always carry her around.
I was frustrated because I wanted to be doing more for her. I thought, ‘There has to be something I could be doing.’ We had done craniosacral therapy and they referred us here. It was wonderful to have another tool in the toolbox to be able to help her.
As we started with care we noticed huge improvements in Tessa being more content. Especially after we started coming regularly. We had a very smooth transition of gross motor skills, and the signs of weakness that I was seeing almost vanished.
Also, every time she’d be adjusted I noticed she’d eat really well after adjustments. Since she is a petite kid, it was stress off my shoulders knowing that we’re doing everything we can to help her gain weight. When we go for weigh-ins at the pediatrician, I can tell them she is eating great.
When I knew things were working it felt really wonderful. Rather than being frustrated and seeing her being frustrated, we had something else that we can do to help her. Before, it was tough to see her mood go from zero to sixty and start crying. For example, she’d be in the car and it was 0-100 in a matter of seconds. Now I can tell she’s able to bring herself back down better…she’s using her “brakes” better.
I recommend WFC because it is a really wonderful homey atmosphere. People recognize you when you walk in the door. Everyone is understanding of your concerns, and you feel listened to (without being interrupted). And the results speak for themselves.
Because the adjustments are giving incredible results, now Tessa is a much more happy, mobile little toddler. It’s helped because when baby is happy…then mom is happy…then dad is happy…then big sister is happy. So it’s helped with the well-being of everybody!”
~ Michele for her daughter Tessa (9 months old when started care at WFC)
Helping Your Child With Delayed Milestones (15 minutes)
How Milestones and Foundations Impact Your Child’s Neurodevelopment (6 minutes)
Have you been told:
- “Don’t worry, kids all develop at different rates.”
- “They’ll grow out of it.”
- “It’s okay, not all kids crawl.”
However, your gut instinct tells you something different? You’ve been waiting…and waiting…and waiting…and they are still behind. Now you feel like you’ve lost critical time in their window of development?
If so, we get it. It can be confusing to understand what you’ve been told about your child’s development & their milestones, and even more difficult to know what you should be doing to help them. Is it PT, OT, chiropractic…or something else?
We have talked with so many families who are walking a mile in your exact shoes. Parents, it’s not easy trying to find out how to help your child with milestone challenges, and even harder when you don’t fully understand what’s important and what’s not.
Our goal is for you to understand both how to help your child, and to feel confident that they are developing optimally. We want you know that they are hitting their milestones and assuring their future development.
You may have experienced any of the following with your child:
- Stressful labor or delivery (affecting your delicate little one’s alignment and inhibiting normal movement)
- Turning their head consistently in one direction, favoring nursing on one side, torticollis, or a flat head
- Weak core strength or low tone
- Noticing they use one side of their body more than the other (e.g. when reaching, crawling, rolling)
- Using one half of their body over another (e.g. crawling with their arms and not engaging their legs)
- Skipping a milestone
Parents, you’re not alone in this. At Whole Family Chiropractic we acknowledge the importance milestones play in neurological development and future health. We’re here to help you get answers as to WHY your child is struggling and WHAT you can do to HELP their brain and body succeed!