Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

From colic, arching in discomfort, and reflux…to a happy & content child

Below is a blog mom Breanna wrote about Whole Family Chiropractic, after we were able to help her baby Silas.  Mom shares that his first weeks of life looked like:

  • Clenched fists
  • Winding up, then wailing like he had lost a limb
  • Holding his breath, red in the face
  • Arching his back
  • Puking up all contents of his stomach, no matter what they tried to help him keep it down







Initially Mom and Dad tried it all:

  • Gas drops
  • Gripe water
  • Two kinds of acid reflux prescriptions
  • Eliminating dairy
  • Side diaper changing
  • Inclined crib wedge
  • 5 different styles of burping
  • The “5 S’s”
  • Pace feeding

Fortunately they gave pediatric chiropractic a try.  After helping Silas, he became much more content, he could keep food down, withstand tummy time, and had more moments of being a happy baby rather than an upset baby.

Read the whole story Mom shares here:

The Wonders of Baby Chiropractic Care | uffdababy blog – colic

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