Help your baby feed with ease so you feel comfortable and they feel nourished.
AS YOU MIGHT GUESS, when a birth is complicated and includes things like forceps, suction, or Caesarian section, or is preceded by stresses on the mother during pregnancy…
…baby is more likely to have had extra pressure in a number of ways, including physical stress on the delicate neck area that houses the essential connection between the still-developing brain and the still-developing body. This can cause some of the common problems babies have like frequent ear aches, colic, and more.
WHEN BENJAMIN T. WAS BORN, HOWEVER, all seemed to go perfectly. It was a relaxed atmosphere and an uncomplicated birth. But there was one problem: he wouldn’t latch on and nurse.
After two days, as you can imagine, his parents, Benjamin and Krystell, were pretty worried. Krystell was a practice member at Whole Family Chiropractic, and on the advice of her midwife, she called Dr. Tye, who immediately did a home visit.
Dr. Tye gently touched baby Ben to examine him. He then applied the pressure you might use to test a tomato’s ripeness to one of the vertebra in Ben’s neck (see pictures of an actual adjustment taking place).
Almost immediately baby Ben started to gurgle, and spat up some gook that had been in his little tummy. Within minutes, Daddy Benjamin said, his son began to nurse.
Daddy Benjamin was dumbfounded. “It was crazy—one adjustment and my son began to breastfeed.”
Dad had been very skeptical about calling Dr. Tye due to a negative experience with a previous non-neurological chiropractor, but this time…
“Dr. Tye adjusted our son and literally within minutes of the adjustment, our son started breastfeeding. And he would not do it at all prior to that. It was like a button was pushed and my son was immediately able to breastfeed,” Dad said.
As you can see from the photos, Baby Ben is now well fed and has two very happy parents. Baby Ben is now Toddler Ben, and he–and both his parents–are still coming in periodically to get the neurological adjustments that cleared the way for young Ben to latch on as a newborn. Mom and Dad don’t ever want subluxation to interfere in Ben’s development again!
Helping Your Baby With Nursing and Feeding (10 minutes)
It can be heartbreaking to see your little one not getting the food they need. All you want is to have your baby get the nourishment to keep them growing and help them feel content.
Dr. Tye shares his experience with his own son, and knows that it can be exhausting sorting through all the options. If your newborn is struggling, watch this webinar to better understand the important pieces needed to nurse well, and why they can be thrown off. And most importantly…what you can do to help!
(Or maybe food is going in, but it’s coming right back up. If so, go to the Help for Colic and Reflux section of our website)
Postpartum Support – Enjoy Your Little One! (14 minutes)
Congratulations on your new little one! We understand how many emotions you must be experiencing in regard to your new little baby, healing from the labor and delivery, and stepping into the journey of motherhood!
As you’ve started to progress with motherhood and bonding with your baby, you’ve probably noticed just how many things are you are juggling – nursing, latching, healing, navigating sleeping patterns, diaper changes, and caring for a beautiful little baby that is completely dependent upon you. You’re dealing with A LOT!
Finding support for you and your baby during this postpartum period is important: establishing not only your village for caring for the baby after birth, but also for caring for you in the meantime.
In this webinar, Dr. Chelsey Henney (mother of two kiddos) explains the most common challenges for mom and baby during postpartum. You’ll better understand your postpartum journey and how your body, mentally and physically, is trying to adapt to the changes of just having a baby. Whether you are keeping up or struggling, we will help you see the stress you’re dealing with and how it is contributing to different challenges for you and your baby.
Dr. Chelsey will discuss:
- The stresses on new moms and babies
- The physical, emotional, and chemical stress that both mom and baby are going through after labor and delivery
- Top ways to reduce stress in mom and baby
- The importance of post-birth chiropractic adjustments to calm the nervous system for mom + baby
Moms, you are not alone. We are here to help!