Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Back to School Tip #4: Banishing Sleep Disruption

Why There is a Struggle
Use Adjustments to Help Your Child’s Body Adapt Quickly to Stress & Sleep Schedule Changes 
Expert Strategy

BTS #3 Kids jumping (69) 08 2015

Why There is a Struggle:

It’s not surprising that sleep can become a struggle for some kids during back to school (or starting school) transition time. So many things in your child’s life and your family’s routine are changing all at once!

Your child’s brain and all his or her body systems need to function maximally to respond their best and adapt to all the changes during this time.  But sometimes they become overwhelmed…and one of the symptoms is that sleep does not come easily!

Let’s look a little more closely at why.

First, over the summer your child’s body may have become used to later bed and wake times.  Many chemicals in our bodies are involved in resting and waking, and they develop a certain rhythm and pattern.  Your child’s body may have some trouble adapting to the rapid changes demanded in these rhythms during the back to school transition.

Another reason sleep can become an issue during the back to school transition is that all the changes happening—wonderful though they may be—can actually weigh on your child’s mind and make him or her feel restless when trying to sleep at night.

New friends!  New rules!  New schedules!  New teachers…classes…activities…and sports!  And last but not least…new homework!

Add it all up, and it’s a recipe for less-than-optimal sleep for your child just at the time he needs it most.


BTS #3 Caitlyn & Tye adjust Ella 08 2015

WFC Benefits:

Why do chiropractic adjustments help your child sleep better during the back-to-school transition?

The neurological adjustments offered by Whole Family Chiropractic actually help decrease stress in the brain and calm the body down, putting it in a state to fall asleep naturally when tired.

As we’ve just seen, particularly at the outset, as your child is learning new things in class and adapting to a new schedule during the start of school in the Fall, the many changes he or she is experiencing can put a bit of mental/emotional stress on the body.

Neurological adjustments enable the body to process and adapt to these stressors better, enabling your child to maintain a feeling of calm and an ability to focus on integrating all the new changes she is experiencing.

When your child’s mind and body are calmer and less stressed, they’re better able to activate the “rest and digest” part of the nervous system in the evening–so she can get a peaceful night of good sound sleep!

All in all, making it a point to come in for your child’s adjustment and to stick with her recommended care plan during the back to school transition is a pretty good idea!  The adjustments can be an enormous help to your child in adjusting to his new sleep schedule and other changes, providing a great foundation for adapting to this exciting but sometimes stressful time!

We are here to help at Whole Family Chiropractic, or to recommend a neurological chiropractor in your neighborhood.

How Whole Family Chiropractic has Helped:  A Dad’s Perspective

“Since Brian began receiving neurological chiropractic adjustments, he has improved very noticeably, both in school and in how he functions in our family.

“Brian used to get up around 3:30 a.m. every morning because he just couldn’t sleep.  Now, he regularly sleeps until 6:00 a.m.

“His teacher told us Brian’s focus has really improved too, and that he is making better progress with his fine motor skills—for example, he is able to print more legibly.”

—Tony T., father of Brian T.



Using Yoga Calm Exercises Before Bed to Help Put the Day–and Your Child–to Rest!

Click Here to Download Before Bed Exercises Handout!

With the rise of mental health diagnoses, over-scheduling, lack of sleep, and poor diet and exercise habits, children and adults alike are often stressed and less able to cope with life’s demands.  Below are some relaxation techniques to calm the body and mind and integrate physical, emotional, and cognitive experiences from the day to help children relax before bed.

These exercises incorporate simple breathing techniques to slow the nervous system, develop self-control and connect with feelings and emotions.  They can help children release energy and calm themselves before going to bed.

Katie Thune of Mad Hatter Yoga & Wellness has 20 years’ experience enhancing the lives of children and adults with and without disabilities through yoga and wellness.  She has an MA in Education: Developmental Disabilities and received Yoga Calm training with 1000-Petals in Saint Paul.  www.madhatteryogawellness.com

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