Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Four-year-old Tashi K.: “Almost immediately, her urinary frequency/anxiety stopped,” Mom says

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Four-and-a-half year old Tashi K. began coming to Whole Family Chiropractic just a few short months ago in February, 2015. “Almost immediately,” says her mom, Sue, Tashi’s urinary frequency—which seemed anxiety-related—completely stopped.

“Her frequency was to a point where I was concerned,” Sue said. “She was fully potty trained for 18 mos. prior to starting school. Then suddenly she began having urgency and had an overnight accident. She’s only at school for 2 hours, but was going potty 4 times. In any social situation she was feeling this urinary urgency/anxiety, and it was disruptive to Tashie’s activities and embarrassing for her.”

The medical doctor couldn’t find anything wrong, but the problem continued. After just 2-3 neurological adjustments from Dr. Tye & Dr. Chelsey, however, the urgency simply disappeared.

“I was thinking of taking her for another kind of therapy, and I’m just so pleased I didn’t have to go down that road,” Sue said. “This is a gentle, easy approach that’s getting results.

“It was so nerve-wracking what we were living through, and now she’s cured. No more worry.” Finally, Sue says, “Coming to Whole Family is the highlight of my kids’ week. This is one doctor they’re not afraid of!”

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