Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Help with Reflux – from Grunting in Pain to a Happy Baby!

“Around six weeks old, we could tell Graham was physically uncomfortable. During birth, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck three times and his heart rate dropped after each contraction, so we knew we were lucky he was born as healthy as he was. He had been diagnosed with GERD and with his reflux we could tell he wasn’t happy when awake. We were truly looking for any way to make him the happier baby we knew he could be. He would grunt in pain for hours every night. We wanted to find a solution to help him be more comfortable and sleep more soundly.

After just a few short weeks of coming into WFC, his demeanor did a complete 180. When awake, he wasn’t always upset! He started sleeping better and started spitting up less. We’ve now even transitioned from breastmilk to formula without a hitch because we’ve continued to come in for adjustments.

Graham is so much happier and in a better routine. He spits up less and seems to have less tummy/reflux issues. He is also sleeping great at night! He is still mastering naps, but that’s very developmentally normal at this age.

We hadn’t been to a chiropractor ourselves, so we just didn’t know what to expect. But the inside working outwards approach was so easy to understand and we like how it truly was a solution to his discomfort instead of just a Band-Aid!

The spinal scans and upfront work give a deep dive to understand your current state before you start treatment so you truly feel heard and have a good understanding of the areas you are trying to improve.”

~Emma for her son Graham – WFC Practice Member

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