Before starting care at Whole Family Chiropractic, I thought I was a fairly balanced person when it came to my health. Being a chiropractic student, I received care often, ate well, and exercised. However, I felt like my energy tank was never full no matter what I did. I was running on fumes daily. I would wake up after a good nights rest and feel like I never slept. My stress level would build throughout the day which only left me feeling more drained. I was a low energy zombie that was going through the motions of my life.
Looking back, I never realized how “off” my lifestyle was until now because I am back on the right track. I sleep more soundly at night and even better, I wake up feeling rested! Overall, I feel like I am a calmer person even though my life hasn’t slowed down. My stress level feels like it is at an all time low because my body has the ability to handle it now.
The most special part of my care at Whole Family Chiropractic is that I get a different adjustment every time I come in for a visit that is unique to my body and it’s needs. I love that I can come in feeling like a ball of chaos but leave feeling completely rejuvenated.
The type of care that Whole Family Chiropractic offers is excellent for everyone. We are all so bombarded by daily stressors that it’s hard to realize that we are on autopilot sometimes. The technique they use allows you get out of that stressed out mindset and move into a balanced, relaxed one. It is gentle, specific and extremely effective.
~ Monica V