“When I came to Whole Family Chiropractic I was struggling with the challenge of processing grief. It was frustrating to me because I felt a tension in my heart/chest area with a quivering and weird vibrational feeling. I had tried multiple things before coming to Whole Family Chiropractic such as going to the sauna regularly, swimming, journaling and other similar things. In some ways I would say I had a self-made health care program but I think it just didn’t go deep enough to help me.
Whole Family chiropractic has allowed me to have more energy for life and has opened up possibilities for healing. My life is a lot lighter and a lot more open now. I feel more integrated and that the energy of my being is going to more useful things. I am living at a higher level now.
I would recommend Whole Family Chiropractic to people because it unlocks your inner being on a really deep and profound level that helps you to heal and process the stresses going on in your life. The most special part for me was seeing the kids come into the clinic. The kids are the future and I really like seeing the dedication that Dr. Tye and Dr. Chelsey have to the whole family from the kids all the way to the parents. It feels like everyone who comes to the clinic is apart of this big healing family.”
~Daniel S. – WFC Practice Member