Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

POTS Explained: The Complex Causes Behind This Chronic Neurological Condition

As a parent, watching your teen struggle with unexplained dizziness, fatigue, frequent fainting, and near constant anxiety can be both terrifying and frustrating. Every time they stand up or shift positions, you hold your breath, wondering if they’ll feel faint or need to sit back down.  If your child has been diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic … Read more

Overcoming Anxiety Webinar – Help For Your Family

Is your child’s anxiety 😣 preventing them from living their absolute best life? Are you having to constantly protect them so they feel safe? As parents, we want nothing more than to see our children happy, healthy, and especially calm + confident as they navigate the challenges of grade school and teenage years. 💪 In … Read more

Help for PTSD, ADHD, Anxiety and Depression

“I started at WFC because I was struggling with stress from PTSD, ADHD, anxiety and depression. I even continued my chiropractic journey through pregnancy and postpartum as well. Through care, I was able to feel a fogginess in my brain go away, I was sleeping better, ruminating less, gaining confidence, and eventually found my way … Read more

“We Feel Like We Have Our Happy Sam Back!”

“Sam was holding a lot of mental stress physically and was constantly uncomfortable, had trouble sleeping and difficulty regulating strong emotions and feelings. He was apprehensive at first with adjustments because it was a new experience but after seeing Dr. Tye and Dr. Chelsey the past four months, he has come to love his visits! … Read more

Overcoming Anxiety Webinar – 2024

Is your child’s anxiety preventing them from living their absolute best life? Are you having to constantly protect them so they feel safe? As parents, we want nothing more than to see our children happy, healthy, and especially calm + confident as they navigate the challenges of grade school and teenage years. In this Overcoming … Read more

🎥 Empowering Parents with Key Insights into the world of Proprioception! 🧠💪

Is your child facing challenges with motor function, tone, coordination, sensory processing, speech delays, or related issues? 😣 If so, this video 🎥 is a must-watch for parents seeking a deeper understanding of proprioception and its vital role in their child’s development. 🧠 Proprioception, often overlooked but incredibly significant, holds the key to unlocking optimal … Read more

Proprioception: The Missing Piece in Your Child’s Development Puzzle

As parents, we constantly seek to make the best decisions for our children’s health, and when we have that gut feeling that something is not right, it’s unsettling, especially if we’re not quite sure what is wrong. There is a term that may not be on the radar for most parents: proprioception. If your child … Read more

Back to School #5/5 – Calm and Organize Your Child’s Brain With Neurologically Based Chiropractic

Help your child transition back to school. Discover two simple ways neurologically based chiropractic helps to calm and organize your child’s brain. By activating their vagus nerve and putting calm into their brain from their body, you can set them up for success (and make your job as their parent easier)! Whether they have a … Read more

Dysautonomia and Chiropractic Care

Let’s delve deep into the topic of dysautonomia. It’s a term you may not be familiar with, and even some medical doctors may not have a full understanding of it.  Dysautonomia is a condition that affects the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling and coordinating every function in our body. The autonomic nervous … Read more

From Chaos to Calm: 3 Health Hacks to Manage Mom Stress and Tension

Alright, Moms, here we go. Most of the content we put out on this platform is for you and your kiddos because we know in your heart and in your head they are always your number one priority. Your days are filled with ensuring your children have everything they need, from meals to appointments to … Read more