Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Relief from Pain Flares & Adjustments not Irritating!

Andrea 03 2016

Two years ago, I developed a rare condition of the nervous system known today as Complex Regional Pain Disorder. The disorder causes mild to crippling neuralgia (pain along nerves), seizures, dystonia (abnormal muscle tone resulting in muscle spasm and abnormal posture), and frequent flares with disabling myofacsial (tissue surrounding and separating muscles) disorder… amongst numerous, less dramatic symptoms. For two years, I’ve lived with flare after flare plus the 5-8 days it took to recover from each flare. I tried numerous therapies and found that most irritated the condition more than they helped-if they helped at all.


Since beginning care at WFC, I have occasional flares and I recover within 24 hours of the flares end! I experience zero irritation from the gentle and powerful adjustments.


I would describe Dr. Tye, Dr. Chelsey, and Brittany as loving health professionals deeply dedicated to their Clinic Community. Their clinic is one of the most welcoming places in the Twin Cities Metro Area.


– Andrea P.

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