For parents of kiddos struggling with sensory processing issues, ADHD, or both.
Whether it is affecting their day-to-day activities or it is underlying stress that your child is feeling, this will be a great webinar to get the answers as to WHY your kid is struggling and WHAT you can do to HELP them be less stressed!
Together, we will:
- Explain what the Perfect Storm is and why it can contribute to Sensory and ADHD challenges
- Discover early signs in babies, toddlers, and kids that lead to common Perfect Storm challenges
- Learn how to check for stress in your kiddo with neurological scans
- Review the critical missing link to optimize results from therapies, nutrition, biomedical, and other approaches
- Discuss action steps for getting your kid out of the Perfect Storm (and neurologically turning on their “relaxation response,” resulting in calmer behavior, more balanced mood, & accelerated learning)