Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

“Within two appointments I started feeling more peaceful and more resilient.”

“I didn’t have any preexisting conditions that rendered my life in a poor way. For me, it was when Dr. Tye came into our office and did a presentation. I liked the idea that even if you don’t have a debilitating condition to still go in, get scanned, and see what areas you might be able to improve. I was curious to see what areas of my body were subluxated, what areas of my body weren’t connecting at 100% with my brain. The scans are really informative in showing areas that you can work on.

The biggest things I wanted to do were to decrease stress, have more of a Zen-like state, and have more resilience. Even though I was already healthy, I wanted to be better because I still felt stress in my life. I wasn’t totally resilient.

I decided to be proactive about health rather than reactive. I wanted to take that first step. Dr. Tye talked about how areas of subluxation, when you’re young, aren’t affecting you quite as much. But down the road, if they’re not addressed, could lead to certain conditions.

So I had the idea to clear up a lot of that now so as to not worry about later. It’s good to have an idea of where your body is at.

It’s a lot easier once you have the knowledge of how WFC operates and their philosophy in case you need to address something. Whole Family will always be in the back of my mind if something were to come up — it’s a good, natural way to address health as opposed to relying on prescriptions that could have adverse effects.

Within two appointments, I started feeling more peaceful and more resilient. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my goal of wanting to de-stress and be more resilient to outside stressors.

These adjustments are good, but also making sure you’re eating well, sleeping well, reducing the stressors in your life. That’s another perk of WFC; you are reminded of that when you walk into the clinic and there’s nice music playing, there’s nice people, an environment encouraging you to live a holistically healthy life.

I like that WFC is not only here to provide adjustments, but they’re here to advise as well. It was relief knowing that this method works and being confident it will in the future as well.

This type of care is less intimidating, especially for children. It’s no surprise that children make up a huge part of the clientele because it is such a friendly environment. If I have kids down the road, I’d love to send them here.”

~Jacob M. – WFC Practice Member

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