Pre-pregnancy and pregnancy have similar goals. Healthy mom, healthy baby. When mom can better adapt to the changes experienced through all phases of pregnancy: getting pregnant, pregnancy, labor/delivery and postpartum recovery – both mom and baby have the greatest chances of experiencing health, and therefore having success.
Success can take on many different forms, as each pregnancy journey is unique. Below, we want to provide some resources that can further educate about birth, as well as begin to bring up topics for consideration that parents may encounter during phases of pregnancy and beyond.
See our resources for Pregnancy and Postpartum as well.
How to support your body during Pre-Pregnancy and get ready to become pregnant:
Of course this is on our list! We love the stories of how chiropractic helps so many moms and babies through these pregnancy stages. Chiropractic helps the body adapt through these changes via checking the function of the spine and the nervous system.
The nervous system is what is coordinating the messages and resources (like nutrients) from mom to baby, and helping the baby grow & develop. This is a critical piece of the “healthy mom, healthy baby” goal. We also check the alignment of pelvis and ribs to ensure enough space for the baby to grow. Mom’s report pre-pregnancy chiropractic benefits include quicker and easier time conceiving.
Pelvic floor assessment and core strength
These areas are key players in the birthing process and knowing the status of how they are functioning is helpful going into pregnancy.
Dr. Britta Gauthier, DPT and Pelvic Floor Specialist
- Book – Well Adjusted Babies – The Complete Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Babies & Beyond
- Pathways to Family Wellness Website
See our resources for Pregnancy and Postpartum as well.
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