Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Register Now for Fantastic 3-Part Wellness Workshop Series for Parents Sponsored by Highland Friendship Club & JCC-Part I Coming Up Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 7PM

Want to enjoy parenting?  Discover the top 3 strategies to stop the yelling, fighting and frustration

Samantha Moe, M.A. SLP
Thursday, April 30, 7:00-8:00pm

Samantha Moe 2015

Do you wish your kids would listen without making it a big deal? Discover the top 3 parenting strategies to get your child’s attention so you enjoy being together. In this interactive presentation you will learn how to:

● Avoid the hidden landmines that trigger defiance and disrespect

● Motivate your child for increased cooperation and independence

● Create peace at home so that being a family is actually fun

Samantha Moe is a dynamic speaker whose passion is teaching stressed-out parents how to calm their child and regain their sanity. As a Certified Parent Coach and founder of Mad to Glad Blueprint, Samantha offers cutting-edge strategies designed to “put out the fire” in kids’ brains and reveal their happy sides.

To register: www.healthykidhappyfamily.com

For more: www.brighteningconnections.com


Yoga Calm: An Integrated Approach to Wellness

Katie Thune, M.A. Ed., RYT

Thursday, May 7, 7:00-8:00pm          

Katie Thune 2014Yoga Calm uses simple yoga-based movement, mindfulness exercises and social/emotional skill-building games to help students improve their focus, learning readiness, behavior skills, physical health and emotional stability.  Yoga Calm uses evidence-based practices that emphasize a deeper mind-body connection to increase self-awareness, and facilitate nervous system and emotional regulation.  In this workshop you will:

● Experience breathing techniques

● Practice regulating movements

● Leave with an introduction to mindfulness and knowledge of simple Yoga Calm tools.

Katie Thune is a Certified Yoga Calm Youth Instructor and has over 20 years’ experience working with students with and without disabilities.  For the past 7 years she has had experience with yoga-based interventions and mindfulness for people with disabilities.  To register: www.healthykidhappyfamily.com

For more: www.madhatteryogawellness.com


The Perfect Storm:  Exploring the Hidden Causes Behind Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, & More

Tye Moe, D.C. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015 7PM-8PM

Tye Moe 2014 This unique event helps you understand the causes behind the rise of ADHD, Autism, sensory processing disorder, seizures, anxiety, and other childhood neuro-developmental issues – and what to do about it.

You will learn:

Why your child may be stuck in a stressed state known as “sympathetic overdrive”

● How this stressed state can delay development, impair health, weaken the immune system, and lead to many childhood concerns

How to calm, balance, and re-integrate your child’s brain and shift him or her into a better state for learning, growth, & normal development.

Dr. Tye has a passion for neurological chiropractic and healthy kids!  He specializes in very gentle and very effective chiropractic care. His most important goal is helping kids develop optimally, and he has had great success in achieving it.

 To register: www.healthykidhappyfamily.com

For more: www.healthyfamilymn.com

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