Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Is My Baby Colicky From Silent Reflux? Or is it Something Else?

As a parent, you have an innate ability to sense when something isn’t quite right with your child. Perhaps you’ve noticed a persistent cough that won’t go away, or your little one seems unusually fussy and uncomfortable after eating. You’ve consulted your pediatrician, only to be told it’s “just a phase” or that they’ll “grow … Read more

What Causes Colic

 Perhaps the only thing more frustrating than trying to soothe an inconsolable crying and colicky baby is trying to figure out the real root cause of their discomfort. When you turn to your parents, friends, and Facebook Groups for advice you’ll hear everything from gas and tummy problems to tongue ties and food intolerances, … Read more

Colic: Insights and Solutions for Exhausted Parents

As a parent, nothing can prepare you for the distress of seeing your baby cry inconsolably for hours on end. If your little one is crying for more than three hours a day and seems impossible to comfort, there is a good chance they are experiencing colic – a diagnosis that affects about 25% of … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing Your Infant’s Development

The journey of parenthood is both beautiful and challenging. As a new parent, you might find yourself asking, “What are the keys to ensuring my infant’s health and development?”  In a world brimming with conflicting opinions, navigating the intricate path of understanding what constitutes genuine and healthy development for your little one is often daunting.  … Read more