This Fall, Dr. Tye Moe will give you the keys to helping your child or client have a great school year!
The Perfect Storm: Exploring the Hidden Causes Behind Childhood Developmental and other disorders including ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asthma, Anxiety, Sensory Processing disorders, Ear Infections, Behavioral concerns, and More will be held Tuesday evening, November 3, 2015 from 6PM-7PM at A Chance to Grow in Minneapolis, 1800 2nd St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418.
Dr. Moe explains what is going on in your child’s brain and how you can calm it so that he or she can function and develop optimally. He offers clearcut solutions to prevent as well as address underlying causes, rather than trying to treat symptoms or just “live with it.”
This information is new to most participants, and many say it has changed their lives.
Please register at www.experiencewfc or call the Whole Family Chiropractic front desk at 651-789-0033. Tickets are free but space is limited. Attendees will also receive an information packet to take home.
Dr. Tye Moe, a specially qualified neurological and pediatric chiropractor and owner of Whole Family Chiropractic in Highland Park, St. Paul, MN presents this live, multimedia workshop with information on the causes behind many developmental and other disorders.
This workshop is sponsored and hosted by A Chance to Grow, a center for children providing Occupational, Vision, Speech, and other specialty therapists (www.actg.org).
Whole Family Chiropractic has helped hundreds of families across the Twin Cities in the past 8 years. Together, Dr. Chelsey Henney and Dr. Tye Moe have more than 200 hours of special pediatric training. Dr. Moe and Dr. Henney provide neurological care that only 10% of chiropractors are qualified to give and have achieved outstanding results in helping both children and adults.
Whole Family Chiropractic practice members report fewer doctor visits, fewer sick days, and increased health and function, even in children who have not been able to get help elsewhere. Therapists love the results because children are able to respond noticeably better to therapy after neurological care helps their brains work better.
For testimonials and other cool info, please see more of our blogs here at www.healthyfamilymn.com and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ChiropractorStPaul . ACTG Perfect Storm Wkshop Flyer PDF 11 2015