Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

Ivy J. – “She has been a very happy baby.”

“Ivy was just a couple weeks when we brought her here.  She struggled with digestive issues, reflux, and wasn’t sleeping.  She also had latch and feeding issues because of a tongue and lip tie.

Our first born had the same issue and we didn’t find chiropractic care until 4 months.  So we navigated it the hard way.  It is tough not being able to feed your baby and have them eat.  And then when Ivy did eat, she’d be uncomfortable because her digestion was off.  It was super frustrating, especially when I’ve been through it once before and was trying to do things differently.

I knew things were working when I was seeing smiles.  That told me she obviously was comfortable, and not in any discomfort.  Initially there was that moment of motherhood (I think every mom has it at some point), when your baby is in that early stage and you don’t fall in love with them.  You love them when they came out of course, but now because you know they are comfortable, you can really start to enjoy them.  It’s a relief to know what you are doing is paying off.

Now she is going to be 3 months soon!  She has been a very happy baby.  I feel like her reflux is definitely better managed.  It doesn’t cause her as much discomfort.  GI wise she seems much more comfortable.  I hate to even say it to jinx it, but she’s been sleeping from 8:30 at night until 4 or 5 in the morning.  Overall she has been a very pleasant, happy little thing.  Obviously she is more comfortable.

Everybody at Whole Family Chiropractic is super kind and very welcoming.  I feel very supported and there is never any judgement of any sort.  I feel like I can always ask questions.  I reach out to Dr. Tye if I ever have concerns, and feel like everyone is very supportive in general.

The most special part is bringing our second daughter when she’s young.  (We brought our first daughter here when she was older.)  This time around it’s been fun that Dr. Tye has a little one around the same age as Ivy.  I feel like we’re on the same track and that he can really help.  I enjoy the connection.

Everybody is awesome, I’d like to thank everyone.  I’m appreciative.”

~Jody J for her daughter Ivy – WFC Practice Member

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