Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

How does your child’s birth predict ADHD or sensory issues? (SPD)

 Click here for more information on SPD (Sensory processing disorder) and here for more information on ADHD

Help your child with anxiety or SPD become more interactive (Sensory Processing Disorder)

Want your child to engage more in the world? Learn the most important piece. Click here for more information on SPD (sensory processing disorder) and here for more information on anxiety

Why is your child so IMPULSIVE?

Is your child overly impulsive? Find out what could be going on inside his or her body.

Does this relate to your child with ADHD?

Is the brain or the body more important for your child to be calm, sit still, and pay attention? If your child struggles in school or with ADHD discover more.

Is ADHD just your child’s learning style?

Wondering if your child is hyper and inattentive because they learn different than others? This could be a huge key for your child with ADHD.

Is Occupational Therapy or Chiropractic Better for Your Child?

With all the options to help your child, find out how to get the best results.  Especially important for your kiddo with anxiety, ADHD/ADD, or sensory challenges.   Whole Family Chiropractic is located in Highland Park of St Paul, MN 55116.  WFC is conveniently accessible from Minneapolis (55417, 55406), Mendota Heights (55120, 55118), Eagan (55122), … Read more

Does your child’s posture affect his brain?

Which causes your child to feel more stress…his body or his brain? Learn the impact the body has, and tips for you as a parent.

Can your child have the GAS and BRAKE on at the same time?

How can you slow your child down if it seems like his foot is always on the gas pedal?

Does your stress as a parent affect your child?

Wondering how the stress in your house affects your child? Find out who wins – the most stressed or the most calm.

Is your child’s GAS pedal stuck on?

  Click here for more information on SPD (Sensory processing disorder) and here for more information on ADHD

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