Whole Family Chiropractic – Dr. Tye Moe – Dr. Chelsey Henney – Pediatric and Family Chiropractors in Minneapolis and St Paul, MN 55116

What Do You See?

Did you know the average person touches their cell phone 400 times in one day?!?!  Assuming you sleep for 8 hours and are not using your phone during that time, that means the average person touches their phone every 2.4 minutes during the day.  Now imagine trying to have a conversation, enjoy a meal, focus on work, or truly be present with someone if your mind is sidetracked every couple of minutes.

The other day I went out for a walk over lunch.  As I walked past the Baker’s Square next to my office, a mom and her young son were walking out the door.  He looked to be about 8 years old.  As they left, his head was down looking at a cell phone in his hand.  Instead of following the stairs and the sidewalk, he walked directly over the landscaping and through some bushes.  While I encourage people to get outside and enjoy nature, I realized his “trek” was not about connecting with a natural landscape, it was occurring because he was completely oblivious to his surroundings.

In my opinion, the world is truly a marvelous place.  With all kinds of sights and sounds and experiences to be had.  The input you get from a 3-inch screen is a far cry from the amazing input of the world around you.  Imagine growing up glued to a mini-screen in front of you, unaware of the natural beauty you’re surrounded by.  On the other hand imagine being able to fully experience all the details and complexities of your surroundings because you go through life connected to the people and places around you.


Not only can you more fully experience your surroundings, but you can more fully engage with the important people in your life.  Imagine the difference between having uniterrupted time with a loved one or being distracted every 2.4 minutes.

The next time you need something to calm you down, to ground you, or to center you, set your phone down.  Engage with a close friend or loved one, watch a sunset, or go for a walk.  Your mind will thank you!

Dr. Tye

P.S.  Remember everything you experience, is experienced because of your nervous system.  You live your life through your nervous system.  So also make sure you see your chiropractor regularly to make sure your nervous system is in tip-top shape.

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